Wednesday 30 January 2019

PUBG's new. Tool

There's a huge number of PUBG streamers out there, so if you want to know if your kills have been broadcast on Twitch, you'll need something to help you out. Like PUBG Report: the online multiplayer game's new tool that gives you a way to search for Twitch streamers that either killed or were killed by that player. All you need to do is look for someone's username
 to see a list of kills they were involved with that had been streamed on the video platform. And yes, you'll be able to click on the results to watch them -- the videos even begin right before the kill.
While it could be amusing to find out that you owned a famous streamer, the tool could be a double-edged sword. Players could use the website for stream sniping -- targeting specific streamers to, say, make a fool out of them -- especially since it shows broadcasts right as they're happening. To be fair, PUBG Report is far from the first search tool for streams, but it's the first one the game developers themselves have endorsed.