Sunday 14 May 2017

PS4 news: Red Dead Redemption 2 release update and PlayStation 4 sales price drop

Players have been waiting for more information to be released by Rockstar, who also have other big projects planned for the likes of GTA 5 Online.But there’s been a drought of official news concerning the Red Dead Redemption release, however, the same can’t be said for rumours.The new Rockstar title has been linked to a live-action trailer and a reported leaked first image in recent weeks, both of which look to be connected to other games.An image arriving on the GTA forums was thought to be connected to RDR 2, although there was a lot of talk over its authenticity.And it’s now been revealed that the screenshot comes from a direct competitor of the new title, being launched around the same time.
both games could be coming out at around the same time later this year, provided neither one is delayed.RDR 2 was also recently linked to a new live-action trailer being filmed in the United States, however, the latest reports online point to this being connected to another gaming project.It was first thought that filming was currently underway for what appeared to be a big new teaser for Red Dead Redemption 2.However, it appears that this might actually be part of a new project tied up with Far Cry 5.Ubisoft are known to be flexible with what locations and settings they pick for the Far Cry series and it appears that the next instalment could be set in Montana, although what time period this might include is still up for debate.If this proves true, it would unfortunately mean that RDR fans would be back to square one when it came to expecting news on the anticipated sequel.While Sony's PlayStation 4 continues to dominate the console market, Microsoft have confirmed in recent weeks that their Xbox One products remain highly profitable.Xbox Games revenue was reported to have risen by 4% in Q3,with Xbox Live users now counting toward 52m active accounts.Sony meanwhile have been celebrating their PS4 console range shipping 60 million units worldwide, a great feat by anyone’s standards.Sony's gaming division is reporting profits of £944 million, which is the biggest since 1998, and if PS4 sales carry on like this, Sony's latest console could even hone in on the PlayStation 2.Sony themselves believe they can sell a lot more gaming machines in the upcoming fiscal year, and they're not the only ones who think that console sales will be on the rise.During an EA earnings report, CFO Blake Jorgensen revealed combined sales of Sony's PS4 and Microsoft's Xbox One machines stood at 79 million at the end of calendar year 2016.Jorgensen also added that EA expects “sales of current generation consoles to continue to be strong, with the installed base growing to 105 million consoles.” Breaking it down with the data to hand, that could mean around 75m PlayStation 4 and 30m Xbox Ones sold by the end of 2017 (the above projection does not include Nintendo Switch sales).Sony have already come out saying that they hope to sell another 18 million consoles in the upcoming financial year.And some analysts have backed this number, providing there is some kind of price drop heading into holiday 2017.If a Sony PlayStation 4 price drop does arrive, you can almost certainly expect something similar with Microsoft’s Xbox One.It may even make sense for the base Xbox One console to drop in price, what with the launch of the Project Scorpio planned for near the end of 2017.Michael Pachter, analyst at Wedbush Securities, believes there’s more to the 18m unit estimate than Sony are letting on, perhaps even pointing to a PS4 price drop.Speaking to Gamingbolt, Pachter gave his take on the possibility of PS2 sales figures and whether a retail cost cut is on the cards.“I don’t think it will outsell the PS2, mostly because the competition from Xbox and Switch will soak up too much of the addressable market,” he said. ”Yes, if they price the PS4 correctly, they can sell another 18 million, and I think the forecast suggests that there is a price cut coming.”
Dynhacks Team

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