Saturday 26 May 2018

APPLE may redesign it's appstore for various devices.

NEW DELHI: Apple seems to be taking one app store each year. While last year it was the iOS App Store that got a major redesign, this year the Mac App Store could get the same treatment. Naturally, Apple has kept everything a secret but a subtle hint has come from the Daring Fireball website.
The website run by John Gruber, adds that “The new iOS 11 App Store really is run like an editorial-driven publication. One of the things I’m most looking forward to next month at WWDC is seeing this sort of treatment on the Mac App Store, too.” Of course, this is not a confirmation but Gruber has a history of leaving hints on what’s about to come from Apple in the form of statements like these.

The redesigned Mac app store, if true, will likely see the light of the day at WWDC 2018 next month. For those unaware, Apple has not yet given a major visual bump to its Mac app store ever since 2011. Given the positive results Apple received for its iOS App Store after the redesign, it would only make sense for Apple to redesign its Mac app store as well.
According to a report from Sensor Tower, the new App Store design brought an 800% increase in downloads for Featured apps. “We are thrilled with the reaction to the new App Store and to see so many customers discovering and enjoying new apps and games,” said Phil Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing.
Apple’s WWDC will be taking place at the McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, US from June 4 through June 8. At the event we are likely to see the next version of iOS, tvOS, macOS and wearOS from the company.