Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Long Island Tech Day Shows Off The Latest And Greatest Innovations in Technology On October 18th

Industry leaders and local startups from all manner of technological industries will gather to show off their latest innovations.

Long Island Tech Day is returning for 2016. Billed as "a revolutionary one-day expo created for Long Island-based tech companies," the event will be held at the Mitchel Field Athletic Complex in Uniondale on Tuesday, October 18th, beginning at 10:00 a.m.

The expo will feature over one hundred technology companies ranging from local startups to industry giants like Microsoft all gathering to demo their latest and greatest products and services, recruit for open positions, or perhaps even find investors who will help bring their innovations to market.

Microsoft puts on a big show. Image via LI Tech Day on Facebook.

"We create an event that benefits Long Island-based tech companies of all sizes and gives them the opportunity to directly interact with the Long Island community with a focus on their individual needs – they can demo new products & services, recruit for open positions, interact with high caliber investors or just say hello to the tech community," says Andrew S. Hazen, Founder of Long Island Tech Day and CEO of LaunchPad. "The result transforms Long Island Tech Day into the biggest Tech Expo for Long Island-based tech companies."

Guests check out one of the displays at Long Island Tech Day. Image via LI Tech Day on Facebook.

With representatives from fields running the gamut of technological industries, Long Island Tech Day promises to provide a unique opportunity for participants to see what's on the horizon for in all manner of tech fields, and to network with one another.

In addition to Microsoft, exhibitors at previous Tech Days have included Apple, CNBC's Make Me a Milionaire Inventor, Scholarchip, eGifter, CharityWait, Intuistic, Kindered Development, Voip, HungerPass, CloudClean, Coalytics, Motus,  Crowdster, Robotel, KWI, FlyGrip,, Mob DJ, WebAir, Cloud 9 Exotics, LassoBack, Great Daily Deals, OpenMoves, Nomorobo, Buncee, Sportstek, UL, ClipFix, Dr. Leonardo, and BriTech. This year's expo looks to continue the trend of both high volume and high quality exhibitors.

Many companies come to show off their products at Tech Day. Image via LI Tech Day on Facebook.

"The response has been tremendous thus far," says Hazen. "We have 2,000+ registered to attend and 100+ Exhibitors to show-off and demonstrate their latest and greatest!"

Long Island Tech Day will take place in two parts. The first, which will consist of the main expo, will run from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The second, which will consist of networking opportunities for vendors and participants, will extend from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Those interested in attending Long Island Tech Day 2016, either as an attendee or as an exhibitor, can register from the Long Island Tech Day website.
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