Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Apple's new iOS update causes major 'Bricking' problems.

Image result for apples new ios 10 bricking images  Image result for apples new ios 10 bricking images

. Several users report problems after downloading iOS 10.
. Apple says "We experienced a brief issue with the update process".

Bricking : What is it ?

Many users downloading the software over wi-fi found their phone become useless.
After installing the software , instead of their iphone or ipad turning back on with iOS 10 installed , a scxreen appeared prompting users to plug their handsets into computer , endering the phone unusable.

Apple supports has been reminding to people to backup their phones before attempting to upgrade , and recommending that they download the software over iTUNES . However it has now been fixed , with phones now updating to iOS 10.0.1 . A minor updater that resolves the issue.

Whats to expect ?

iOS 10 - the software for iphone ipad and ipad touch - features a revamped lock screen , including the removal of "swipe to unlock" customisable widgets and apps which work inside iMESSAGE. 

At a glance | iOS 10 key features

Apple Music : It has brought back useful iTUNES features , including recently played and recently added options.

Home Kit : It can now be used to control a smart range of gadgets , from the garage door to dining room light . 

Apple Maps : Redesign make maps more proactive - it can check your calendars for places you are meant to be going , and has a better search function for amenities close to you .

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