Saturday, 26 August 2017

Tech is back to mess with stuff in ‘Black Mirror’ Season 4 teaser

That pounding intro music is now enough on its own to make me feel nervous and anxious, thanks to the success of Black Mirror over the years. The Netflix exclusive is back for Season 4 later this year, with six brand new episodes penned by series creator Charlie Brooker.

The teaser features a lot of quick cuts and short glimpses, but I’m most intrigued by this Star Trek-looking episode called “USS Callister” staring Jesse Plemons, aka the reason that one season of Friday Night Lights was so bad.

“Arkangel,” another episode from the new season starring Rosemarie Dewitt, was directed by Jodie Foster, so that’s intriguing, too. Overall you’re pretty much guaranteed a healthy helping of tech-caused dystopia, of course.

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